Parents' Night Out
April 5, 6:00-9:00PM
We're kicking the month off with Parents' Night Out. Drop your kiddos (ages 5+) off with us for 3 hours of entertainment including a movie, a jam session, karaoke, crafts, pizza, snacks, and more! Priced at $20/kid means it's cheaper than a babysitter. Register by emailing
Sunday sessions: school of rock at vecino
April 7, 3:00-5:00PM
Our House Band, The Fordham Boulevard Band, will be rocking out at Vecino for the second ever Sunday Sessions. Come on by for free music, good food, and good beer. You won't want to miss this!
Briar chapel springfest performance
april 27, 5:30-7:00PM
Come celebrate warm weather and welcome Spring at Briar Chapel's SpringFest! Our House Band will be performing outside, and we'll have a tent available with more information for those who've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to learn more about School of Rock!