Zoom Cloud Meetings, the video conferencing app we use for School of Rock Remote, provides our students and staff with some advanced audio features that can greatly improve the quality of your video lessons.
In the newest version, users have access to the Advanced Audio Settings panel. Within this panel are some settings that should help to improve the sound quality of all types of instruments, but particularly drums. While changing these settings is not required in order to use School of Rock Remote, we highly recommend that you try them out to see if you experience an improvement in your audio performance. Your instructor will likely let you know if they hear a difference!
It should be noted that these settings are only available when using the laptop or desktop versions of Zoom. At this time, they are not available on mobile devices or tablets. You can check whether you are using the most up-to-date version of Zoom by looking in your app preferences, or you can download the newest version by going HERE.
In your toolbar, click the upward-pointing arrow next to the microphone button. Select "Audio Settings" from the pop-up menu. In the window that opens, click on the "Advanced" button on the lower right-hand side.
Once you're in the advanced menu, adjust the following settings:
- Enable the in-meeting option for "Enable Original Sound" (there is another setting that needs to be adjusted, outlined in the next section)
- Disable the setting for "Supress Persistent Background Noise"
- Disable the setting for "Supress Intermittent Background Noise"
- Change the echo cancellation setting to "Auto"
Now that you have enabled the setting for original sound to be toggled in the Zoom meeting, you'll see the text "Turn on Original Sound" appear in the upper left-hand corner. You will need to click this button once to enable it.
By enabling these settings, Zoom should be prevented from filtering out what it deems to be background noise. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at elmhurst@schoolofrock.com
Additional Tips
- Use a computer if at all possible (advance audio settings not available on tablets or phones at this time)
- Find a quiet place as far away from others as possible for your lesson
- If using your computer’s built-in microphone, play at least 5 feet away from your computer (at least 10 feet on drums).
- Be conscious of your router placement - it's important to have a strong wifi connection in the lesson room.
- Close all other applications running on your computer and limit other internet connections and activity by others on your same network when possible.
- Position yourself in the room so that there is adequate lighting.
- "soundcheck" volumes with your instructor at the beginning of each lesson.
- Make sure you position your camera so your instructor can see your hands and what you are playing.