School of Rock Covers Peter Gabriel's "Solsbury Hill"
The School of Rock AllStars covered the Peter Gabriel classic "Solsbury Hill."
The School of Rock AllStars covered the Peter Gabriel classic "Solsbury Hill."
School of Rock has partnered with Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide to support an important cause.
Our Houseband had an exciting 4 day weekend where they got to play at The Bottom Lounge in Chicago, The Rave in Milwaukee, and four sets of music at the World's Largest Music Festival- Summerfest! Check out some of the pictures from the weekend! During the 4 day event, the students even got the opportunity to meet and play with Hannah Ford- drummer of PRINCE's backing band 3RDYEGIRL! So cool!
School of Rock has launched five curated School of Rock playlists onto the iHeartRadio app.
School of Rock launches the Center Stage Search in partnership with Atlantic Records and Artist Partner Group to find new talent.
The new program partners with world's leading musical instrument brands to bring top gear to students globally.
School of Rock and sheet music leader Hal Leonard have partnered to make sheet music more accessible to their music students.
To celebrate the release of the "School of Rock: The Musical" deluxe edition soundtrack, YouTube stars did a mashup of the musical's songs. The video is filmed at a School of Rock location.
Each year, students from School of Rock locations all over the world descend upon the largest music festival in the world, Milwaukee Summerfest.The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel interviewed a few of our very own School of Rock Naperville students to learn what School of Rock means to them.
School of Rock uses an immersive learning experience to not only help students gain proficiency on their instrument, but to also develop a passion for music and to become lifelong musicians. The Naperville Sun interviewed the management team at School of Rock Naperville to learn exactly how School of Rock teaches music differently.