School of Rock is Ranked #1 in Category by Entrepreneur
School of Rock has been ranked #1 in our franchising category by Entrepreneur for 2020.
School of Rock has been ranked #1 in our franchising category by Entrepreneur for 2020.
School of Rock has been selected as a Top Franchise and received the Satisfaction Award from Franchise Business Review for 2020.
To conclude 2019, School of Rock students took on the Europe classic "The Final Countdown."
Hero The Band has supported School of Rock continuously and keeps it up in their new music video for the song "Trouble In My Mind."
School of Rock, in collaboration with Artist Partner Group, has chosen its top 20 finalists for the Center Stage program.
Our Director, Jake Gobel talked with MKEwithKids.com about our edgy real-world approach to learning an instrument, Jack Black, and how our music school is creating community for kids who can't find it anywhere else.
The School of Rock AllStars covered the Peter Gabriel classic "Solsbury Hill."
School of Rock has partnered with Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide to support an important cause.
Several School of Rock students were asked to appear in the new Volbeat music video for their song "Cheapside Sloggers."
Allow us to inspire your team to rock on stage, at work and in life!