COVID-19 Safety Precautions
- School of Rock Remote lessons/rehearsals will remain available to all students who are not ready to return to the school.
- Anyone entering the building must wear a face-covering/mask
- Students/Staff will use designated Entry and Exit doors and follow one-way traffic patterns within the school to maintain safe distances.
- Students/Staff must wash their hands upon entering as well as between lessons/rehearsals
- Sneeze guards have been installed in each lesson/rehearsal room between instructor and student. They will be sanitized between each lesson/rehearsal. Vocalists can only remove their face coverings when singing as long as they are behind the sneeze guards.
- Students/Staff must maintain recommended 6 feet apart at all times
- The Venue has been converted to the main rehearsal room. Students must stay in designated performance areas to maintain 6 ft recommended distance during rehearsals.
- No food in the building
- All water bottles must be clearly labeled with the student’s name.
- Parents may not wait inside the building during lessons/rehearsals
- Vocalists are asked to bring their own microphones. School of Rock will supply microphone covers to any student that cannot bring their own microphone. All school microphones will be sanitized after every use.
- Drum students must bring their own sticks. School of Rock has drum sticks for purchase if students forget.
- Each student is asked to bring their own earplugs to lessons/rehearsals. School of Rock has disposable ones available.
- There are hand sanitizer dispensers located throughout the school and anti-bacterial soap available.
- In addition to daily sanitizing, School of Rock is deep-cleaned by a professional cleaning service each week.
- Parents may not bring a student to lessons/rehearsals if they are sneezing, coughing, or running an elevated temperature.